Weekly Update from Final Show Films - Week of the 10th

Sunday - 3/5
Our weekly Stream videos went up today - short one due to bachelor party duties on Friday of course.
Also, we recorded episode 11 of the Price of War. Had some audio issues, but still got it done. 

Monday - 3/6
Uknit's Magical Mondays - Austin continues to play MTGO, and some day I'll actually get his scores before I put this up.
We recorded no Natch 20 review this day because of scheduling conflicts. We will eventually finish our Month* of D&D.
Taskforce Echo 01 - The first episode of our Starcraft RPG actual play series went up.

Tuesday - 3/7
No Natch 20 went up today; Aforementioned no recording.

Wednesday - 3/8
Eberron: Heirs of Destiny 05 - More Eberron today! This week we climb back up from the undercity, encounter some baddies, and spend the day going over character stuff since we're missing two of our players.
JRPG Weekly - We played more Nioh on stream, and this time we started backtracking to old missions for gear, money, and - most importantly - fame.
We also recorded Critical Thinking episode 08 after stream.

Thursday - 3/9
The Price of War 11 - Our erstwhile adventurers have completed all of the tournament goals at the Argent Tournament grounds. Now, it's time for the Trial of the Crusader to begin!
Recorded episode 02 of Taskforce Echo

Friday - 3/10
Critical Thinking 08: Glass and Bone - This week we talk about one of the early divisive episodes, specifically the one in which [REDACTED] goes and [REDACTED]s [REDACTED].
SciFridays - We start our blind playthrough of Horizon Zero Dawn and learn two things: One; robot dinosaurs fall for the old 'pile of corpses' trick, and two; I'm not good with a bow.

Saturday - 3/11
We recorded more Eberron this morning.
Lord of the Ring - Our good friend Hanno (@ronin_sama on twitter) ran a one shot to celebrate getting 2k followers on Twitter! And we streamed it!
Vampire the Masquerade: Walking Shadow 15 - Wow, we're 15 episodes in and I think we've had two episodes with a full cast. Fun, innit? Well, we're short Erin this week so BUCKLE UP BUDDIES


Weekly Updates from Final Show Films - Week of the 3rd

Man am I bad at this. Not intentionally, mind you, it's mostly because I've set myself the task to do a lot of stuff that my ADHD makes difficult. Nevertheless, we're back with another weekly-ish update!

Sunday 2/26/17
It was announced previously but I'm putting this here officially, Sunday Funday is going away for a while mostly because while my wife is still recovering from her broken hip, I don't have as much time during the week to pursue my VO career. Sunday mornings are for auditions now. 
Price of War episode 10 was recorded with new tech! It's not perfect, but we're continually improving.
The past week's streams were also uploaded that night, though they didn't get published until the morning after.

Monday 2/27/17
Uknits played Magic this morning on twitch - we're still working on getting his stuff recorded and uploaded to YouTube, it's the only stream stuff that isn't right now.
We did not record a Natch 20 review this week because Pooky wasn't feeling well - we did get the game played though, so eventually we will get our 5th Edition D&D review done.

Tuesday 2/28/17
No Natch 20 today as previously mentioned. Hope you all had a good Tuesday, though.

Wednesday 3/1/17
It's March! Already!
Eberron: Heirs of Destiny 04 - We continue our way down into the bowels of Sharn, and discover that we don't really have many good ways to deal with swarming creatures. Then, some puzzle solving begins!
JRPG Weekly - More Nioh! Come watch as we throw ourselves repeatedly into the ocean to try and beat the next boss.
Also recorded the next episode of Critical Thinking.

Thursday 3/2/17
The Price of War 10 - The tournament continues; Next up, Beast Battles! Our team is cut down to three and we discover exactly how much of our ability to kill things relies on our full party layout.
And the first episode of Taskforce Echo, our new Starcraft RPG actual play series got recorded!

Friday 3/3/17
Critical Thinking 07 - The Throne Room: We discuss the positives and negatives of narrative versus tactical combat, and actually manage to bring this episode in at our target time of just under an hour! Amazing what a properly motivated person can do.
No SciFridays today, because I was out at a bachelor party for my best friend who got married on Saturday!

Saturday 3/4/17
We recorded more Eberron this morning - two players short, so it ended up being more of a in character plot motivation episode, but I think it went well! Though, I was tired from the party the previous night.
Vampire the Masquerade: Walking Shadow 14
Another Vampire game, another crime scene. This time, however, we're all a little more powerful and are able to find more clues than we could previously - enough to put us on the correct trail! Also, some character stuff happens with Aila and Gabriel. Be sure to tune in!

And that's what we've got. Oh, also, we're diversifying our artwork in various places. Here's a taste of what our Podcast thumbnails are going to look like in the future...

We're really looking forward to getting separate Podcast channels for everything...

We're really looking forward to getting separate Podcast channels for everything...

Weekly Update from FInal Show Films - Week of the 17th

I promise, we're not trying to skip every other week of these, things just keep coming up!

So without further ado, let's jump right into this.

Sunday - 2/12/17
Senstaku's BetaMax - We ran up some For Honored open beta in prep for the launch of the game! It was fun times.
Later that evening I got our stream replays uploaded.
As a note: I'm stopping my sunday streams for a while so I can focus on my VO Career, so don't expect a stream on Sundays going forward. It's the only time during the week, currently, that I have to focus on VO auditions right now.

Monday - 2/13/17
Uknits' Magical Mondays - Uknits played some MtG! I don't know what else happened because he doesn't tell me the things, so I hope he had fun?
We recorded the Natch 20 Review for 4th Edition D&D. It... wasn't pleasant.
Gran Terra Adventures 48 - Due to technical issues, this week's episode was just me giving a short recap! Because of that, I'm not going to give a short recap here - seriously, just listen to it, it's less than 20 minutes I think.

Tuesday - 2/14/17
Happy Valentines Day!
The Natch 20 Review for 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons went up today. It was rated... poorly.

Wednesday - 2/15/17
JRPG Weekly - Nioh. Do I really need to say more?
Eberron: Heirs of Destiny 03 - More Eberron! I got to be psychotic and drown a guy in sewage and that's pretty much all I'm going to tell you so go listen to the podcast.
Oh and we recorded Critical Thinking 05 after the stream.

Thursday - 2/16/17
Deadlands Hunter Society - Tanarukk - The first of our DHS One Shots showed just how deadly a dungeon crawl can be in a modern setting, even with the players using guns!
We also recorded Gran Terra Adventures 49 today!

Friday - 2/17/17
SciFridays - We finally got back to playing Dishonored 2 - just in time for the psychopathy of being a supernaturally powered Empress to kick in!
Critical Thinking 05 - We go into great detail on specific annoyances of ours regarding storytelling, D&D, and also into things we like about both of those. I know that's vague, but it's so you'll go have a listen!

Saturday - 2/18/17
We recorded another DHS one shot this morning. However, it appears to have gone missing in the interim and I'm not sure where it went, so it probably won't ever see the light of day....
We also didn't have a Vampire game this week because almost everyone was missing! We'll be back next week though!

We hope you had a good week, and we'll see you all next time!


Weekly Update from Final Show Films - Week of the 3rd

Hey there! We're a little late on this (and we missed last week), but all shall be revealed!

Sunday - 1/29/17
No stream or podcast was recorded today because we went to a LARP! It was a lot of fun, and I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate it into some form of content when next we do it, so as to make up for the lack of content on the day. Stream replays were uploaded tonight, but didn't get published until the next morning.

Monday - 1/30/17
Uknits did some Magical Meandering today, and we played / recorded our 3.5 D&D Natch 20 review! It was roughly at this point in time when my sinus infection started kicking me in the ass and I couldn't focus enough to write the weekly update. I did manage to get the 411 Mania articles for Vampire the Masquerade and Gran Terra Adventures up though.
Gran Terra Adventures 46 - The crew run into some more trouble in their dungeon crawl, running into someone who claims to know Fi'Cayr - and then wants to kill him.

Tuesday - 1/31/17
The Natch 20 review went up today - we reviewed 3.5 D&D and found it pretty good. Nothing else really happened today as far as I know.

Wednesday - 2/1/17
JRPG Weekly - Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness - We started a new game on JRPG Weekly, the much more anime Square Enix series of Star Ocean. Beware: Fanservice Catgirl ahead.
Eberron: Heirs of Destiny 01 - We began Eberron finally! We meet our eccentric crew and get attacked by a Warforged. It's an interesting start to an adventure.
We also recorded Critical Thinking 03 this evening.

Thursday - 2/2/17
No podcast was uploaded today because we were at the LARP. Going to figure out something for that in the future.
We did record Gran Terra Adventures that evening though - it was fun!

Friday - 2/3/17
Critical Thinking 03: Strange Bedfelloows - Once more into the breach my friends! This series has been getting good feedback and hits on the website, so we're happy to continue it as long as you guys want to listen to it.
No SciFridays today - my sinus infection had caused a sore in my mouth that made talking painful.

Saturday - 2/4/17
We recorded more Eberron this morning.
Vampire the Masquerade: Walking Shadow 11 - All I'll say about this one is we found out what happens when you light a vampire on fire. Go watch the replay.

Sorry this was late - Yesterday was my birthday, and I was struggling with my ADHD all day Monday. Anyways, hope you guys have a good week!


Weekly Update from Final Show Films - Week of the 20th

This is going up a day later than normal, but Monday was quite a hectic day for us here at Final Show Films. Regardless, here's the update for our previous week of content!

Sunday - 1/15/17
Sunday Funday - We're back! It had been so long since we'd played Castlevania that I decided to skip that and move on to our next game, which was Eisenhorn: XENOS a Warhammer 40k action adventure title that is upsetting bad.
The Stream Replays for the previous week, including Eisenhorn for Sunday Funday, went up this evening and we recorded another Price of War!

Monday - 1/16/17
Uknits' Magical Mondays came back as well this week. We've had a bout of plague running through the area apparently, but Uknits was finally feeling well enough to stream. We also recorded the Natch 20 for the first time in a while!
Gran Terra Adventures 44 - The party decides to make themselves useful now that they've arrived on Dar'laradi and work for their stay at the Treetop Bough. They are swiftly reminded that just because Dar'laradi is more lush than Sloverden doesn't mean it is any more safe.

Tuesday - 1/17/17
The Natch 20 Review - This week we reviewed Original Dungeons & Dragons. It received our lowest grade in the history of the Natch 20, though we still acknowledge that it's an important game. If you're interested in our thoughts on the subject, then give it a listen!

Wednesday - 1/18/17
JRPG Weekly - More Final Fantasy XV; We discovered that if you're over leveled and know what you're doing, you can push your way through the game surprisingly quickly, and also had nice in-depth conversations on the game's storytelling.
Lost Mines of Phandelver 15 - We edge closer to victory in the mines, chasing down our fleeing enemy and preparing for potential conflict with the elusive Black Spider.
Also, after the JRPG Weekly stream, we recorded the first of a new podcast series; Critical Thinking: A Critical Role Rewatch podcast!

Thursday - 1/19/17
The Price of War 08 - Our intrepid adventurers join the Argent Tournament! We learn what happens when a tech-wielding dragon and an orc face off, and what happens when a magic-wielding Half-Ogre takes on a ball of dwarven steel and spikes.
Also, we recorded more Gran Terra Adventures!

Friday - 1/20/17
SciFridays - Having 'finished' Let It Die last week, it was time to take on a new game - Dishonored 2. I may have gone a little... off brand with it.
Critical Thinking 01: Arrival at Kraghammer - Our debut episode of Critical Thinking went up! Some technical difficulties as we're using a setup we've not used previously, but overall I think it was a good start to the series - and the feedback we've received seems to indicate you do too!

Saturday - 1/21/17
In the morning we recorded the finale of Lost Mines of Phandelver! Only took 16 episodes for us to finish off the actually quite short starter campaign.
Vampire the Masquerade: Walking Shadow - We were short two people and plagued with connection issues on behalf of our Brujah, but we still managed to find a way to dick around for three hours in Vampire!

Man, when I look back at it we really do produce a wide variety of content every day of the week. From Magic: The Gathering streams on Monday to Final Fantasy XV on Wednesday, to Eisenhorn: XENOS on Sundays. Well, as always, let us know what you think! And we hope you have a fantastic week!
