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New & Coming Soon:
Exandria Rising
by Sen
A D&D 5e game set in the world of Exandria.
Coming Soon!
Portions of the materials used may contain trademarks and/or copyrighted works of Critical Role. This material is not official, is provided for free, noncommercial entertainment purposes only, and is not endorsed by Critical Role.
Art is composite of Adobe stock images and "Ancient Crash Site" by Franklin Chan, composited and edited by Sen.
Changing Breeds: Screams of the Sun
by The Zodiac System
A Changing Breeds game within the Worlds of Darkness.
Coming soon!
Currently running: Actual Plays
Bed of THorns
Critical Thinking
Featuring Jack, Jeremy, and Sen
Media analysis and discussion of the hit D&D 5e show, Critical Role. Currently wending our way through Campaign 1.
Caution, spoilers abound!
The Natch20 Review
Currently airing new episodes on Twitch, YouTube, and everywhere else you find our content. Watch the Revamp HERE
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Cast/Crew: Sen Bates, Austin Kulp, Jenny Wincek, Jayla Timmons, Robbie Summerour, Paul McClain, Emily McClain, Andre Eaton Jr., Emma Honerbaum, Blair Sanders, Lauren Berry, Rudy Torres, Rachel Stephens, Becca Parker, Evette Collier-Bell, Larky Peterson, Stan Kulp, Jonathan Stephens, and Lea Herring
Premiered September 2018
Image: “Magic Forest Wallpaper,” unknown
Archived shows
Original content:
Baldur’s Gate: Descent Into Avernus
by Erin
A D&D 5e story
Watch (note: starts on episode 17. Previous episodes only available in podcast)
Image: “Endless Summer” by Desktopography
Final Fantasy XIV: Dalmascian Braves
by Sen
Streaming bi-weekly at youtube.com/finalshowfilms
Image: screenshot by John, from Final Fantasy XIV, Square Enix
Deadlands Hunters Society
Everyone is Warlocks: Conflux
by Jack
A gothic fantasy tale of powerful patrons, inexperienced warlocks, and the trials and discoveries brought by new magics.
Image: “Speed Painting” by Robin Olausson (eWKn)
Faustian Bargains
by William
A Wrath & Glory campaign! In the 42nd millenium, a strange and unlikely group of heroes battles demons and more across the galaxy…
Only available on YouTube
Image: “Siege of Terra: The Solar War” cover art by Neil Roberts, edited by John
Fire and Shadow
by Erika
D&D 5e
Image: “Under the Bridge” by Jessy Veilleux (concept), Eve Berthelette (textures/modeling/shading), and Stéphan Brisson
FOrtune Hunters
Gran Terra Adventures
Gran Terra: the Bekerlund bandits
by Sen
D&D 5e
The world of Gran Terra may be done expanding, but our view of the world, and the stories within it, continues growing, as we explore the delightful small barony of…well, somehow they ended up in Hell. In prison. So that’s a normal Sunday morning.
Image: “Fantasy City wallpaper,” unknown
Heirs of Destiny
In grove or Green
by Jack
A Changeling: the Lost chronicle. Join the Motley Unlikely as the seasons change in Baltimore once again.
Watch: Season 1: Summer
Watch: Season 2: Autumn
Image: edited by Sen
Lancer: Perseus Endeavors
Lancer: Sector Tavia
by Andrew
Mech mercenary: it’s a job. And, sometimes, it involves ‘liberating’ a ship and….well, you’ll just have to see, won’t you?
Unfinished story
Lancer: The Daemon Corp
by Sen
Follow the (mis)adventures of the mech pilots of the Damocles: misfits from across the stars.
Image: edited by Sen
The Masquerade
Odyssey of the Dragonlords
by Andrew
Come explore the D&D 5e OGL setting of Thylea
Image: “The Consummation of Empire” by Thomas Cole, modified by Sen
The OUter Rim
by Navarran
Star Wars: Outlaws and Remnants
The Price of War
Rubblebelt Scrappers
Shadows of
the Mountain
by Jack
a Werewolf: the Apocalypse chronicle
Watch: Shadows of the Neon (season 1)
Watch: Shadows of the Mountain (season 2)
Image: unknown
A Simpler Life
Space cowboys
Stardust: into the Vast
by William
A 5e D&D game set in a science fantasy realm of space travel and magic
Image: edited by Sen
Starfinder Mini
terminus Tendency
by William
A Hunter: the Vigil game of uneasy teamwork in Atlanta. Now on Season 2!
Image: stock photo of Atlanta skyline; edited by John
There, Among My Nightmares
by L
A group of teens in the early ‘90s find a portal to a magical realm, which is only the beginning of their problems. A D&D 5e story.
Image: “Shadowmoor Plains” by Larry MacDougall
The Twilight Knights
by Sen
A Star Wars saga:
A story of balance and extremes, as a group of young adult Force-sensitives learn to walk the path of the secretive Order of Twilight in the midst of the aftermath of the Treaty of Coruscant
Image: “Coruscant at Night” by Yannick Dusseault, edited by Sen
Untethered: Call of Cthulhu
Walking Shadow
by Jack
A Vampire: the Masquerade chronicle
Blood, ash, and backstabbing in Seattle
Image: unknown
Wildemount Adventures
by Jeremy
Portions of the materials used may contain trademarks and/or copyrighted works of Critical Role. This material is not official, is provided for free, noncommercial entertainment purposes only, and is not endorsed by Critical Role.
Adventurer’s League
Pathfinder Playtest: Doomsday Dawn
by Erin
Follow our intrepid play testers through the prebuilt Doomsday Dawn. Explore the world of Pathfinder and the mechanics of the Pathfinder Playtest with us.
Shadows reach out from the Dark Tapestry to destroy the world and hope rests in the few in the wrong place at the right time and the Palatine Eye who manipulates them from more benevolent shadows.
Image: Pathfinder Playtest cover art
Lost Mine of Phandelver
Video Games
Thank you to our patrons and other supporters for making this content possible.