Weekly Update from Final Show Films - Week of the 13th

For some reason, it seems like it's been forever since I've done one of these, but it's only been a week. Weird. Well, let's jump right into it!

Sunday - 1/8/17
No Sunday Funday again today. No particular reason for this one either, I just wasn't feeling up to it. No worries though, for we did record another Price of War today - and I remembered to bring my hard drive so I could offload it! Also, Sundays are now going to be the stream replay upload date - I'll upload all of my stream replays from the week that evening, and publish them when I get back from recording the Price of War.

Monday - 1/9/17 -
This week saw the return of Uknits' Magical Meanderings! I'm not sure how well he did because he didn't tell me, but I'm certain he had a non-zero amounts of either wins or losses. We did not record a Natch 20 today, because this time Pooky and child were sick.
Gran Terra Adventures 43
Maeve makes a decision regarding her family, and suffers the consequences of that choice. Also, Graza is reunited with her adoptive family of Blood Hunters and her birth family. So, we'll call this one a Family-centric episode!

Tuesday - 1/10/17
The Price of War 06
Look what we got uploaded! Yeah, instead of the Natch 20 (Because we didn't record one), we uploaded the Price of War that was missed last week. We finally deal with Kel'Thuzad and the attacking scourge forces! This episode is slightly shorter than the rest because Uknits became particularly sick at the end of recording.

Wednesday - 1/11/17
JRPG Weekly
We got on a boat! Well, eventually. After some goofing around on the mainland, we finally made it to Altissia in Final Fantasy XV! And all that entails.
The Lost Mines of Phandelver 14
Our intrepid adventurers continue exploring the mines, encountering more and more dangers - and something finally gets through Raelnor's massive AC!

Thursday - 1/12/17
Today we recorded another Gran Terra Adventures in the evening, but during the day a second Price of War podcast went up!
The Price of War 07
D-d-double Warcraft for your aural pleasure! In this episode we take flight, heading towards the Argent Tournament grounds - taking the dangerous path of passing through the Storm Peaks.

Friday - 1/13/17
We're back with more Let It Die! And also the last Let It Die! for the stream. I'm probably going to make some Let's Plays of it for the YouTube channel, but next week we will have a different game for SciFridays.

Saturday - 1/14/17
Recorded another Lost Mines of Phandelver this morning.
Vampire the Masquerade: Walking Shadows
We return with a full cast again! Most of this episode was spent in Elysium, navigating the treacherous social circumstances of Vampire scoeity - so tune in to the replay if you missed it! Audio's a little unbalanced apparently, we're going to address that next week.

Another weekly update done and this week was pretty good. Still, hoping to get everything back on track for next week. Fingers crossed!

Weekly Update from Final Show Films - Week of the 6th

It's another Monday, and time for another weekly update! HUZZAH! EXCITEMENT! CONTENT! STUFF!

Yes, we are determined to keep this up, and so long as I remember it's a thing I'm supposed to do, I will keep trying to do it. So, let's get started.

Sunday - 1/1/17
Sunday Funday was supposed to happen today, but as I mentioned in last week's update I was still feeling sick. We did get a new episode of the Price of War recorded though!

Monday - 1/2/17
Uknits did not stream today due to illness - lots of us getting sick in the new year. Also due to his illness, we did not record the Natch 20 Review.
Gran Terra Adventures 42 - The party succeed in not aggro-ing Zeresu, the Frostwyrm Citadel's guardian, and continue on their quest to find a lost magical artifact - and Maeve's parents.

Tuesday - 1/3/17
Eberron: Heirs of Destiny 00 - We recorded an Episode 0 a while back on a Saturday we did not record Phandelver (Because our GM was going to be unavailable), and it went up today because we're getting close to the end of Phandelver. This will give you a bit of insight into our upcoming campaign, and allowed us to establish a bit of pre-game information. Also we're all very tired.

Wednesday - 1/4/17
Lost Mines of Phandelver 13 - We finally make our way into the Wave Echo Cave, the location of the Spell Forge and the titular lost mines of the Phandelver pact!
JRPG Weekly - More Final Fantasy XV happened this week! We continue our adventures following Noctis and his merry band, and meet the Gods of their world up close and personal.

Thursday - 1/5/17
So... you know how we said we'd recorded the Price of War? Well, we had - but due to illness and forgetfulness we never got the information offloaded to my computer for editing. It will be coming out sometime this week.
Oh, also we recorded Gran Terra Adventures that evening. BOY was it a good episode!

Friday - 1/6/17
SciFridays - We're back with more Let It Die! And this time, Senstaku learns a few key facts about the game he was unaware of previously! Glorious ultraviolence ahoy!

Saturday - 1/9/17
In the morning we recorded more Phandelver, and the evening saw the return of-
Vampire the Masquerade: Walking Shadow - We're back! And with two new players! This week our intrigued deepened - due in no small part to misunderstandings of how our own society works - and a series of thrilling events ended in a suspenseful cliffhanger. Be sure to watch the replay on YouTube!

So that was it - pretty exciting week if I do say so myself. Stay tuned to the blogs for more weekly updates, and also stay tuned to my twitter feed for going live notifications on our podcasts, streams, and YouTube videos! Hope you had a wonderful first week of 2017.


Weekly Update from Final Show Films - Week of the 31st update

Hello everybody! Welcome to the first of our new regular blog entries that will appear on both our website blog and on our Patreon page - our Weekly Update. Basically, we've realized that we can be very extremely wantonly bad at communicating with people, and have decided that in the New Year the fix to that is going to be this very blog! So, buckle up, and let's recap last week!

Sunday - 12/25/16
Christmas Day! Yeah, nothing got done today. We do hope you had a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday, Heavenly Hanukkah, Celebratory Kwanzaa... whatever it is you wish upon yourselves and others.

Monday - 12/26/16
Nothing happened today either. Austin's stream, Uknits' Magical Meanderings, normally happens on Mondays but Austin was extremely sick. So we didn't do that, nor did we record the Natch 20 Review for the week. In other news, my wife's broken hip (She broke her hip the week prior) is still healing, so I didn't get anything done either.

Tuesday - 12/27/16
Gran Terra Adventures ep. 41 went up today! It was supposed to go up Monday, but read previous. This week's episode opens with our intrepid heroes continuing to get violently assaulted by Frost Turtles. Be sure to check it out!

Wednesday - 12/28/16
It's time for JRPG Weekly! This week we started playing Final Fantasy XV, the upload of which is available on our YouTube channel. Senstaku spends most of this stream talking about the personalities of the characters, and crucial story information that may get missed upon a first play through.

Thursday - 12/29/16
The Lost Mines of Phandelver ep. 12 went up today! It was also supposed to go up Wednesday, but again with the distraction of my wife's broken hip. Our dysfunctional team of (mostly) elves finish clearing out Thundertree on this episode. We also recorded Gran Terra ep. 42 today!

Friday - 12/30/16
Today is the day we're supposed to do SciFridays, and play more Let It Die! on stream - Unfortunately, I came down with a very serious illness that caused my body to rebel against me at the molecular level.

Saturday - 12/31/16
To start the day, we recorded Lost Mines of Phandelver ep. 13, and to end the day our Vampire the Masquerade game was still on Hiatus - It'll be coming back this weekend, on the 7th!

So, that's been our week! We hope these weekly updates clear up some of our lost content issues, without having to rely on you reading my twitter account all the time. These may be written by me regularly, or by others depending on how it goes. Look for these every Monday!


Desert Bus / Thanksgiving Hiatus

Announcement time!

So for the next two weeks the Final Show Films twitch stream will be on hiatus - We're taking a vacation from streaming!

Specifically, we're going to be supporting Desert Bus for Hope X by hosting the stream for the duration of the run - with the only exceptions being our Vampire stream Saturday evenings, and a potential support stream in which we may or may not play RockBand.

Basically, we need a vacation. Aside from sick days, tech issues, and emergencies I've been streaming at least once a week every week for almost two years now, and that ranged from one to seven streams a week, settling down now at me personally streaming four times a week. Uknits and others have been streaming for a little over a year, and we need a break to recharge our creative batteries and come back fresh.

Now, we will still be producing Podcasts and Let's Plays throughout the next two weeks so don't fear a lack of content, just a specific hiatus on the Twitch Channel - It will be hosting Desert Bus for the week.


VOLife vlogs incoming

One of the projects that I've been tossing about for a while now that will soon come to fruition is the idea of a daily vlog. But, I've never known what I wanted to -do- with it, just that I've wanted to do one. Well, I've figured it out, and will begin working on it soon.

Basically it's going to be a docu-vlog called VOLife, and it's all about my life as an aspiring voice actor; chronicling my experience trying to become a working member of the industry, all while balancing my work life on top of that. Look forward to that starting soon!
