
As I sit here, Miracle of Sound playing in the background, and prepping to work on some GM stuff for the Space Cowboys campaign, I suddenly realize I haven't updated the blog yet today - and that needs to be rectified.

But what to talk about? Well, what I'm about to do I guess.

So last year I began work on a Mass Effect conversion module for the Dragon AGE system, this was before the Fantasy AGE system came out so I was working strictly with the original material. The idea was to take the easy to learn and play AGE system and add a slight bit of complexity, but mostly just reskin it to the Mass Effect universe since there has yet to be an official Mass Effect RPG system made yet. 

It's still not done.

Turns out making a system is harder than it sounds, even if it's just a conversion module - I shudder to think what making a brand new system requires. Then again, it might be easier since you're no longer working with the restriction of the system that came before it. I digress. What I have left to do is finish out my Specializations, modifications to the classes that player characters gain at level 6 to make them better at specific things and give them unique abilities, and flesh out more of the enemies and vehicles of the system.

It's been an interesting project, and the playtest / actual play of Space Cowboys has given me lots of new ideas. It also has showed me just how complex a creative playground the original AGE system is. It's a lot deeper than it looks on the surface, that's for sure.

I'm also tempted to update it with the Fantasy AGE system, which would fix some of the issues I have with the conversion as it stands - but that's something I'll do after I've finished Space Cowboys, not in the middle of the campaign. If you all are interested in learning more about the conversion, lending a hand with some of the creative work, or using it for your own play groups please give me a shout at finalshowfilms@gmail.com - Other than that, feel free to listen to it as we upload it at senstaku.podbean.com.

Now I have to go plan some nefarious things for my unwitting players this Saturday. If you're reading this, well, I look forward to hearing your reactions come Saturday.


Welcome to 2016 - Retrospective

Wow, it's been a while since we've updated this blog. Well, now that I've got a desk job that provides me more than a little amount of time sitting in front of a computer, I'll have time to gather my thoughts and compose them into written word for you to consume. Perhaps my true calling, after all is said and done, is that of a blog writer? Who knows.

Anyway, it's been a busy end of the year season - Let's start with Desert Bus, shall we? In November, I went up to Victoria, BC, and participated in the annual charity drive put on by Loading Ready Run in benefit of Child's Play charity known to the world as Desert Bus for Hope. What did I do you ask? Well, I mostly helped run the back end and keep the technology from melting down with the help of an awesome engineering team made up roughly half and half of veteran volunteers and first timers like me. 

Desert Bus was an interesting week for me, simultaneously the best and worst week of November, and certainly in the running for both of 2016. While I was at Desert Bus I made some wonderful friends, met awesome people, and had one hell of  a good time - and even gained the comforting knowledge that while I'm gone Final Show Films could still run itself in my absence, which was a very proud moment for me. I also had my car repossessed, got run roughshod over by my bank and it's absurd debit policies, and sank deeper and deeper into the gnawing Sarlacc Pit known the world over as debt.

Still, it was an inspiring, educational, and emotional experience all over and I wouldn't have traded it for the world. I spent a long time trying to come up with a "thing" that would sum up DB9, and I think I may have hit it - If you'll pardon a little self indulgence.

To the tune of Steven Universe "Crystal Gems"
We are the Desert Bus.
We'll always save the day.
And if you think we can't
We'll always find a way.
That's why the people of this world
Believe In
Loading Ready Run, Child's Play, and DB.

Steven Universe was a big running theme both behind the scenes and on camera this Desert Bus, and it seemed an appropriate homage. 

So, that was November. December wasn't quite as impactful, but it did see me go from being marginally employed in a part time position to full time employed for a period of time as a physical security guard, guarding a warehouse for the month. During that time, I was approached and successfully recruited for the position I am in now. Thus far, the job is just what I was looking for - an I.T. position doing service support, at a company that is looking to grow my position, and with plenty of room for advancement going forward.

It certainly was a fortuitous find. While I don't begrudge the position of a security guard, and I think it was a wonderful learning experience for me, I spent enough time doing it to know that it wasn't the job for me. 

Now, with 2016 on the rise, the first year of my life as an internet content producer down, and other exciting prospects in store, I think I'll take the time to focus on refining what I am already doing, making everything we started in 2015 better. Consider that my New Years Resolution.

Speaking of everything we started in 2015, we did a lot didn't we? Went from streaming one game one day a week in January to streaming seven days a week, producing comedy videos, three podcasts a week, an actual website, and a Patreon that is actually earning money. I'm stunned every time I see the monthly email from Patreon saying we're getting funding; It's sometimes really difficult to believe that people like what we do enough to actually donate for it.

So, yeah, the end of the year was interesting - but we still have plans going forward to make 2016 just as good if not better, so stay tuned! 

Not sure if I'll update the blog daily or weekly yet, but it -will- get updated more regularly now that I've been able to settle into this new job. I look forward to your feedback, and thank you all so very much for making 2015 a fantastic year - I'll raise a cup of coffee, because I can't drink at work obviously, to another great year.


Monthly Update!

So we're going to try to update this blog at least once a month with a larger post about how FSFilms is doing, and it'll probably be around the end of the month each month, to maintain a regular communication with our viewers. So, let's go over everything that has happened this month!

This has been a great month for the Patreon, us having reached our second milestone goal of $100/mo! This means that the Uknits cooking show is in pre-production officially,  will be coming soon! So look forward to that.

In other news, I have a job! I have recently attained gainful employment, which means a lot of different things but primarily means that my streaming schedule and our shooting schedules will be shifting around to accommodate for my new schedule. Please bear with us, we're trying to maintain as much regularity as possible but until I am entirely employed by Final Show Films via the Patreon, I have to make sure I'm going to be able to support my household.

Also - It's the week of Halloween! On the stream we're doing a Halloween themed week, as well as with our projects - We've released Halloween themed podcasts, and Halloween themed comedy, and a slightly but not entirely Halloween themed blog update. Or, maybe, just Halloween flavored.

Thanks for the support!

We would like to thank everybody for their support during our 27 hour stream.  Not only did we have a lot of fun, but we raised up to $60 a month on Patreon!  This rapid show of support makes us realize just how much we can do, and we intend to continue our efforts to bring you as much content as possible.    Thanks to all of our supporters in the chat, all of our supporters who listen to the podcasts or watch the videos, and a special thanks to all of our patreon supporters.  Check out our Sponsors page to see the people who make this possible.

Thanks again, and we look forward to make more videos and podcasts.